Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.
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Oil Spill Combat Team (OSCT) is a private spill combat centre with experts that have 41 years of experience providing emergency services in Indonesia and around the world. Oil Spill Combat Team (OSCT) is an oil spill combat centre with headquarters located in west java with six bases across Indonesia and base of operations in Malaysia, Thailand and India

OSCT Indonesia signed a mutual cooperation (MoU) with Singapore's Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL), Vietnam's National Southern Oil Spill Response Center (NASOS), Thailand's Oil Industry Environmental Safety Group Association (IESG), Malaysia's Petroleum Industry of Malaysia Mutual Aid Group (PIMMAG), China's China Offshore Environmental Service (COES) and Japan's Maritime Disaster Prevention Center (MDPC) in the spirit of protecting the world's natural environment where OSCT Indonesia is acknowledged as a Capable Tier-2 response center.

OSCT Indonesia as the largest Oil Spill Response Centre in Indonesia and one of the largest in the world was invited to attend the 10th Oil Spill Workshop held by the Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ) on February 14th, 2020 to discuss recent major oil spill incidents and future preparedness.
Mr.Yodi Satya, BSc, MSc EDM, OSCT Indonesia, spoke at the PAJ’s 2020 Oil Spill Response Workshop, presenting “OIL SPILL COMBAT STRATEGY & LESSON LEARNT” of the major oil spill in the Java Sea close to Indonesia’s capital Jakarta” which was attended by many significant people in the oil spill industry and won the First best speaker from among oil spill experts from around the world.
In 2007, DR. Bayu Satya B.Sc. was awarded as third best of the most experienced speakers among 15 oil spill experts from around the world during Japan International Symposium hosted by Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ) in Tokyo, Japan. He was the first asian speaker who achieved it.
OSCT Indonesia sees this workshop as an opportunity to develop strategies in the areas of regional and international cooperation in maximizing capabilities, especially in the case of a major oil spill incident.
The philosophy of the RITAG is to provide a platform for response organisations in the Asia to share technical knowledge, oil spill response experience, best practices, promote the industry's "Integrated Tiered Response Philosophy" and facilitate cooperation between its members.
OSCT Indonesia attended the 10th RITAG meeting with others 8 oil spill response centres representing 8 countries in Asia - Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, China, in addition to discussions about effective & efficient oil spill response operations.
The meeting also promotes mutual coorperation and exchange of technical information to increase regional readiness in case of a large oil spill incident in asia. The lessons learned are drawn from experiences of indrustry practitioners in their efforts to provide advice and guidance on the breadth and complexity of roles in the industry.