Oil Spill Countermeasure Equipment Deployment Training conducted by PT Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Priok Port. Located at Pier 003 Nusantara of Tanjung Priok Port on June 14, 2023. The deployment of oil spill response equipment (PPTM) is one of the exercises that must be carried out by TUKS or BUP to fulfill Ministerial Regulation Number 39 of 2021 concerning Pollution Management in Waters and Ports Rev. Ministerial Regulation Number 58 of 2013. And was attended by Capt. Asdiamani, M.Mar., MM. as Head of Patrol Section, Representative of Tanjung Priok Main Port Authority Office, Representative of PT Oil Spill Combat Team, Representative of PT Intan Sejahtera Utama and related agencies and stakeholders.
