Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

Chemical Protective Equipment Level A
Specifically developed for protection against toxic, corrosive gas, liquids and solid chemicals. It is a fully encapsulated vapor protective suit.

Overpack Drum
Overpack Drum is used to temporarily contain and store spilled chemicals safely.

High Temperature Chemical Protective Equipment
Provides triple-hazard protection from liquid-chemical splash, splash fire and electrical arc.

Photoionization Detector
The sensor of Photoionization Detector is able to detect over 400 hazardous noxious substance vapors of spilled chemicals.

Chemical Absorbent
Chemical Absorbent is used to soak up spills of acids, bases or unknown liquids.

Large Chemical Pump
Large Chemical Pump is made from chemical resistant material that is able to pump large amount of hazardous noxious substances such as toxics, acids and bases from spill location to temporary containment units.

Decontamination Shower
Decontamination Shower is used to decontaminate personnel after exposure of hazardous substances to avoid further contamination outside the spill area.