Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.
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Novelina Stephanie, S.Ikom.
Novelina Stephanie holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. Novel started her career in 2010 as a Membership and Training Coordinator for Oil Spill Combat Team (OSCT) Indonesia. Novel is responsible for tailoring membership requirements to ensure that OSCT Indonesia’s members maintain their oil spill combat readiness to protect the environment. She was also responsible for communicating with existing and future members to continuously improve the membership program and other key services. Novel also supervises a team of 24 people that supports over 40 members throughout Indonesia to ensure that all members are well coordinated and informed. Novel has completed courses in oil spills obtaining internationally accredited certification of International Maritime Organization (IMO) Level 1 and Level 2 training. Furthermore, she has also attended a number of seminars for oil spill response preparedness on the sea by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia, and specialized training courses in Denmark, and seminars in Japan. With this technical knowledge, she has also been actively involved in coordinating with members on how to handle oil spill incidents and in providing advice for oil spill response strategies.

Aogi Soetarto S.Sos., M.B.A.
Deputy Supervisor
Aogi holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and a Master’s Degree in Business Management from Gadjah Mada University. He joined and strengthened OSCT Indonesia’s Marketing Department in 2011. His role in OSCT Indonesia as a marketer is to pursue new corporate clients for membership and IMO Level 1, 2, and 3 training. He is responsible for informing and giving recommendations to relevant companies about combating oil spill on risk assessment and ensuring that the assessment, equipment, and personnel are in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Indonesia and international standards. Aogi is also responsible for building and maintaining relationships with existing clients as well as supervising and participating in various project activities. With many companies involved as members or clients of OSCT Indonesia, Aogi continues to engage with government institutions and private companies in fulfilling the necessary requirements in protecting the world’s natural environment.

Ryan Ardiansyah, S.Mn.
Deputy Supervisor
Ryan is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree in Business Management from the School of Business and Management of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). He has joined and strengthened OSCT Indonesia in Marketing Department since 2011. His role is to pursue new corporate clients for membership and IMO Level 1, 2, and 3 training. One of his responsibilities is to conduct trainings for existing clients, supported by his knowledge and experience in the mining and energy sectors, which he obtained from his previous work. He is also responsible for informing and giving recommendations to relevant companies about combating oil spill in their risk assessments and ensuring that the assessment, equipment, and personnel are in accordance with the existing regulations.

Rina Dewi M.

Anggraheini Wijayanti


Ardian Indrawan

Ghema Prakoso

Maria Y. Manopo

Irene Oinike

Yulia Permata Sari
Membership Relations & Traiing Coordinator